It's a long and really... boring day! NOT even ONE customer till kok tong comes! zzz Everyone just come in and go away == Sigh! But thank god i get to sell 1 PS3.. Well... She is kinda... picky yet she is kinda nice...
I think thats all for the day.... bored huh? I don't even had much to talk about what i do during the whole day! actually wanna study but... WHO CAN STUDY LIKE THT??? Well studying suddenly gt customer... really no mood lo ==
Monday, 6 September 2010
Sunday, 5 September 2010
Parents ain't home! Day 3
Well... Basically, day in my dad's shop is just... as usual! People came in and ask, "where's uncle? Mana uncle?". Got kinda tired of asking all this SAME question! Come'on! Can't my dad take day off? Only you people have the rights to go out shopping, go oversea or go on a trip? Screw all of you!
I sold a NDS lite and a GBA XP! Haha! Not bad huh? I'm seriously a beginner trader! Though i was kinda like work for quite awhile but i got really sick when it comes to argue about price! People nowadays just expect you to sell them something WITHOUT allowing you to earn a single cent! To top up with it! They even expect you to "RUGI" To them! WTF? If you people are so great! Why don't you just go sell it yourself! Huh? What that makes you feel? If you can't afford to buy it! DON'T! I'm not forcing you! So stop giving me those fuck up faca!
Kinda watched Piranha today with Kok Tong but in results... He lost his Iphone! Well... It's an Iphone(though it's the oldest version but who cares! It's Apple!). I tried to called but that BASTARD just shut off the phone! Kok tong said that the thief IS a malay! Well... I expect no less huh? COme'on! Kok tong's iphone is locked with PIN! You can't excess to it unless you have the correct password! It's like a piece of junk to you now! Just pick up the fucking phone and return it!(I believe this thief is a... totally IPHONE idiot user... He would probably thinks that he is lucky! Well... GOOD LUCK! SUCKER!)
I sold a NDS lite and a GBA XP! Haha! Not bad huh? I'm seriously a beginner trader! Though i was kinda like work for quite awhile but i got really sick when it comes to argue about price! People nowadays just expect you to sell them something WITHOUT allowing you to earn a single cent! To top up with it! They even expect you to "RUGI" To them! WTF? If you people are so great! Why don't you just go sell it yourself! Huh? What that makes you feel? If you can't afford to buy it! DON'T! I'm not forcing you! So stop giving me those fuck up faca!
Kinda watched Piranha today with Kok Tong but in results... He lost his Iphone! Well... It's an Iphone(though it's the oldest version but who cares! It's Apple!). I tried to called but that BASTARD just shut off the phone! Kok tong said that the thief IS a malay! Well... I expect no less huh? COme'on! Kok tong's iphone is locked with PIN! You can't excess to it unless you have the correct password! It's like a piece of junk to you now! Just pick up the fucking phone and return it!(I believe this thief is a... totally IPHONE idiot user... He would probably thinks that he is lucky! Well... GOOD LUCK! SUCKER!)
Saturday, 4 September 2010
Parents ain't home! Day 2
So yeah... It's the 2nd day yet it feels like years! *sigh! Seriously... I'm getting quite sick dealing with customers saying,"I'm looking for Uncle(*My dad)! Where's Jackson(My dad again ==)? But jackson give me a different price(Fuck you)!"
Come'on! My cousin and I are just doing what we WERE TOLD! It really doesn't matter who it is! How can you expect someone to sell you something without making profit? Seriously! These two days, 9/10 customers came in and asked, "Eh? Where is jackson? Har? So expensive meh? Jackson can give me a better price leh!" Seriously.. I hate customers like this! I don't really mind you request a lower price but can you not look down on us just because we ain't our dad? The price is set and we only try to do our job! Ok... I'm just getting more and more frustrated! I might start scolding them if this goes on! ==
Cool down cool down~
Well... The best part about today is that we get to eat steamboat with my other uncles! Haha! I get to meet my best cousin Zack Hoe! Kekez! Ain't that bad after all!
Actly there's stuff i wanna talk about but i'm kinda tired right now so... yeah... Night people! Sweet dreams! =D
Come'on! My cousin and I are just doing what we WERE TOLD! It really doesn't matter who it is! How can you expect someone to sell you something without making profit? Seriously! These two days, 9/10 customers came in and asked, "Eh? Where is jackson? Har? So expensive meh? Jackson can give me a better price leh!" Seriously.. I hate customers like this! I don't really mind you request a lower price but can you not look down on us just because we ain't our dad? The price is set and we only try to do our job! Ok... I'm just getting more and more frustrated! I might start scolding them if this goes on! ==
Cool down cool down~
Well... The best part about today is that we get to eat steamboat with my other uncles! Haha! I get to meet my best cousin Zack Hoe! Kekez! Ain't that bad after all!
Actly there's stuff i wanna talk about but i'm kinda tired right now so... yeah... Night people! Sweet dreams! =D
Friday, 3 September 2010
Parents ain't home! Day 1
My Parents will be going to Melbourne, Australia to pay my sister a visit on 3rd September which is... yesterday! Herm... Don't really feel that empty without them but i'm pretty sure i'm gonna miss them! Hey! Daddy! Mommy! Buy me some souvenirs k? =D
Since my dad went to australia with my mom n aunt... So... It's kinda like a MUST that my cousin n I need to look after my dad's shop. It's half day yet it feels like... A WEEK! You people have no idea how stubborn customer can be!
As for today, Basically met 2 nasty customer. First one is an indian father and his son. Apparently they are my dad's "customer" and they wanted to cracked their PSP so yeah, I help them but the problem come after that... THEIR MACHINE COULDN'T WORK with CRACKED GAMES! I was like... Holy shit!== Well... It's actually a good thing that he didn't get mad and start scolding me! Hehe!
Following on, a group of "Black" people came in and said they put RM100 deposit for PS3... Apparently, they paid it to my dad! Pity my little cousin... Have to deal with this kind of customer. Herm... they are like stubborn stubborn and stubborn. How do you expect people to sell you products without earning anything? Firstly, the deal they made with my dad is RM1180 and they paid RM100 deposit. Secondly, they came when my dad left to catch his flight to australia. After that, they wanted to buy games from us and so yeah! Every customers bargain about the price right? My cousin, kok tong had already tried his best to make a very nice price for them! Yet! They ain't satisfied... Well, in the end they only bought the PS3 console and a HDMI cable(They can't take back the deposit anyway! Haha! SO THEY HAVE TO BUY IT!) Too bad! =P Suckers!
I guess that's all for Day1! Kekez! Time to bed! NIGHT PEOPLE! =D
Since my dad went to australia with my mom n aunt... So... It's kinda like a MUST that my cousin n I need to look after my dad's shop. It's half day yet it feels like... A WEEK! You people have no idea how stubborn customer can be!
As for today, Basically met 2 nasty customer. First one is an indian father and his son. Apparently they are my dad's "customer" and they wanted to cracked their PSP so yeah, I help them but the problem come after that... THEIR MACHINE COULDN'T WORK with CRACKED GAMES! I was like... Holy shit!== Well... It's actually a good thing that he didn't get mad and start scolding me! Hehe!
Following on, a group of "Black" people came in and said they put RM100 deposit for PS3... Apparently, they paid it to my dad! Pity my little cousin... Have to deal with this kind of customer. Herm... they are like stubborn stubborn and stubborn. How do you expect people to sell you products without earning anything? Firstly, the deal they made with my dad is RM1180 and they paid RM100 deposit. Secondly, they came when my dad left to catch his flight to australia. After that, they wanted to buy games from us and so yeah! Every customers bargain about the price right? My cousin, kok tong had already tried his best to make a very nice price for them! Yet! They ain't satisfied... Well, in the end they only bought the PS3 console and a HDMI cable(They can't take back the deposit anyway! Haha! SO THEY HAVE TO BUY IT!) Too bad! =P Suckers!
I guess that's all for Day1! Kekez! Time to bed! NIGHT PEOPLE! =D
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
别人总说时间是一种解脱。。。 可是时间真的让人获得解脱吗?
可是,又有几个女孩领情呢?I assure you!It's lesser than half!
Melvin, James, Di lun, Kah Jun, Agnes... 说真的,我真的很感谢他们。
可是,又有几个女孩领情呢?I assure you!It's lesser than half!
Melvin, James, Di lun, Kah Jun, Agnes... 说真的,我真的很感谢他们。
Friday, 27 August 2010
Weird weird weird!
Went to koreantown today! Bought all the material i need for making kimchi! Grocery there is kinda... expensive? I've no idea why it cost me 50+ just for Hot chili powder, hot chili paste, korean radish and sushi roll(dunno what tht call).
It's kinda weird by it feel kinda nice to see koreans! The ajumma who i bought my stuff from... she's just friendly! =D I like this kind of ppl! I know im weird! I apology for that! HAHA!
After that, I went to Sing K with Di lun and WenYi in NewWay! Though i still can't reach VERY high notes but i think i kinda improve abit! Thanks to Di Lun i guess? Haha! Thanks bro! YOU'RE THE BEST! =D
It's kinda weird by it feel kinda nice to see koreans! The ajumma who i bought my stuff from... she's just friendly! =D I like this kind of ppl! I know im weird! I apology for that! HAHA!
After that, I went to Sing K with Di lun and WenYi in NewWay! Though i still can't reach VERY high notes but i think i kinda improve abit! Thanks to Di Lun i guess? Haha! Thanks bro! YOU'RE THE BEST! =D
Thursday, 26 August 2010
说真的!这阵子看回了以前写的Blog才发觉以前的我原来是那么的感性的!Hehe! 我不是自夸哦!不信可以看一看我之前写下来的Entries!
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
Really frustrated with my exam results... Is this what i get for studying till late night? Is THIS WHAT I GET? This just isn't fair... haih...
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
It's been awhile huh? The reason I don't really wanna touch my blog is because I always end up blogging about something emo so i get really really~~~~ Frustrated that i stopped blogging for quite... awhile! But hey! I'm back! =D So what if it's an emo post? or is it sucky? I don't give a shit xD (From Walter in Jeff dunham's puppet show)
Looking back in the past... I had been a wimp and coward who tried so hard to escape from what i lost.
I... want to believe what I lost is not a big deal...
I... want to isolate myself from all that i believe...
I... want to sleep and never wake up...(I still want this to happen though xD)
I... happen to believe I've lost my world when i see her leaving...
There's just too many...
As I grow older as day passed, months flew, years... haven't pass yet (xD), I see things differently, i take actions i did not expect i would...
All i want to say is that, memories are a binding, a lock and might be a useless piece of junk BUT! It doesn't mean we should lie to ourselves! Be honest with yourself.(I'm gonna be okay~ Gonna be okay~ -2PM's without you)I... Tried looking back into the pass... It was sweet, It was fun, It was... lovable because there was love...
It really depends on how you take love and define them...
Love = money?
Love = sex?
Love = sacrifices?
Love = tools?
Love = Ideal Partner/ companionship
Love = What? xD
Lovers are not friends.. You cannot tell yourself, "The more the merrier!" and get a new gf/bf as soon as you break up(If you are that particular someone doing that... FUCK YOU).*coff*ok... If you have someone you REALLY love, you just need that particular someone! Theoni1(mak wen.. Don't sue me k? xD) I have seen too much... Couples been together... Couples breaking up... I'm thinking... Is this a joke or what? Having relationship that can't last for a month? a week? a day? If you're not sure about you feelings just tell him/her! It is seriously a waste of time if you have no feelings towards him/her.
In my entire life(I'm only 18 =D),
1)My family
2)A random girl
3)My Ex
These people are the1 I love and Loved... Well...
My family is still in my top priority though I'm sort of cool and doesn't talk much about them but i do care!
Random girl... Now this gives a sort of a blury memory, all i remembered was she was my first love(a puppy love i think).
My ex... I don't really wanna talk much about this... Not when i'm ready! There's too much regrets, too much memories... and too much love... even now.. although i said something about hating her... But there's a saying, "You hate that someone because you love her" Right?
What if there's regret? We have to move on right? The time will not stop for you... For this instance, I just wanna finish my SAM and have a long rest!
Love life? 我不是不爱,只是“她”还没出现而已。=D
Looking back in the past... I had been a wimp and coward who tried so hard to escape from what i lost.
I... want to believe what I lost is not a big deal...
I... want to isolate myself from all that i believe...
I... want to sleep and never wake up...(I still want this to happen though xD)
I... happen to believe I've lost my world when i see her leaving...
There's just too many...
As I grow older as day passed, months flew, years... haven't pass yet (xD), I see things differently, i take actions i did not expect i would...
All i want to say is that, memories are a binding, a lock and might be a useless piece of junk BUT! It doesn't mean we should lie to ourselves! Be honest with yourself.(I'm gonna be okay~ Gonna be okay~ -2PM's without you)I... Tried looking back into the pass... It was sweet, It was fun, It was... lovable because there was love...
It really depends on how you take love and define them...
Love = money?
Love = sex?
Love = sacrifices?
Love = tools?
Love = Ideal Partner/ companionship
Love = What? xD
Lovers are not friends.. You cannot tell yourself, "The more the merrier!" and get a new gf/bf as soon as you break up(If you are that particular someone doing that... FUCK YOU).*coff*ok... If you have someone you REALLY love, you just need that particular someone! Theoni1(mak wen.. Don't sue me k? xD) I have seen too much... Couples been together... Couples breaking up... I'm thinking... Is this a joke or what? Having relationship that can't last for a month? a week? a day? If you're not sure about you feelings just tell him/her! It is seriously a waste of time if you have no feelings towards him/her.
In my entire life(I'm only 18 =D),
1)My family
2)A random girl
3)My Ex
These people are the1 I love and Loved... Well...
My family is still in my top priority though I'm sort of cool and doesn't talk much about them but i do care!
Random girl... Now this gives a sort of a blury memory, all i remembered was she was my first love(a puppy love i think).
My ex... I don't really wanna talk much about this... Not when i'm ready! There's too much regrets, too much memories... and too much love... even now.. although i said something about hating her... But there's a saying, "You hate that someone because you love her" Right?
What if there's regret? We have to move on right? The time will not stop for you... For this instance, I just wanna finish my SAM and have a long rest!
Love life? 我不是不爱,只是“她”还没出现而已。=D
Friday, 26 March 2010
我的眼泪。。。 落在你看不到的角落。
所以,我们成为了最熟悉对方的。。。 陌生人。。。
你就幸福的活在你认为可靠的怀抱吧。。。 XXX
我的眼泪。。。 落在你看不到的角落。
所以,我们成为了最熟悉对方的。。。 陌生人。。。
你就幸福的活在你认为可靠的怀抱吧。。。 XXX
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
It has been so long since my last post huh? I'm really busy after my last post and I don't really have to mood to stay up at night to blog... But now it's FINALLY my holiday! Yea! Haha! Well, as most people knew... I'm a taylorian who took on SAM(South Australian Matriculation)! It's a really hard programme actually... Suffer from assignment, assesment, and many other stuff! Sigh!
Today is CHEE KOK TONG punya birthday! Haha! I bring him to leisure mall along with dilun and carvin to celebrate with him! It's kinda fun! I have my starbucks there too! WhOA! Now i really felt that the saying is really correct, Different people according to different mood make a different taste for the food or drink! I tasted a different caramel machiatto in leisure mall! The taste I wanted! Haha! It's really statisfactory for me!
Herm... In the afternoon, I was baking with mak wen... Well, We actually plan on baking 3 different stuff. But it turns out tht oni 1 is edible... zzz! 1st failure in my baking... Really upset! Haihz! Must work harder loh! =D
I think this is all for today lah! SURIAN!! IM GOING BACK TO SCHOOL TMR!! YEA!!! =D
Today is CHEE KOK TONG punya birthday! Haha! I bring him to leisure mall along with dilun and carvin to celebrate with him! It's kinda fun! I have my starbucks there too! WhOA! Now i really felt that the saying is really correct, Different people according to different mood make a different taste for the food or drink! I tasted a different caramel machiatto in leisure mall! The taste I wanted! Haha! It's really statisfactory for me!
Herm... In the afternoon, I was baking with mak wen... Well, We actually plan on baking 3 different stuff. But it turns out tht oni 1 is edible... zzz! 1st failure in my baking... Really upset! Haihz! Must work harder loh! =D
I think this is all for today lah! SURIAN!! IM GOING BACK TO SCHOOL TMR!! YEA!!! =D
Tuesday, 2 March 2010

我是真心的期待的。只是她早就选择了离开,我... 还能说些什么了呢?
还记得说过,当我们都在同时看见时钟里出现 11.11 或 其他相同的号码的话,这就说明了...
可是我已经没那个机会了... 对不起,请原谅我的执著以及给过你的伤害。

Sunday, 28 February 2010
I have been thinking about my life lately. Everyone have their own purpose of living and fight for it... What is mine then? I was once a nerd who know nothing about life and all I did was nothing! Then move on to my high school's life, I have met different kind of peoples and all of them are great in their very own way. What is mine then? I always want to be in the centre of attention but I always end up been left behind. What is it that I'm looking for?
There's about four friends that I have met that changes my life.
Firstly, James is my very first friend that show how much a friend can mean! He cares listens to me when I hide myself in some dark corners. He led me to find my love and show me that love isn't something that scary. Eventually, I turn out to get in a relationship with some girl because of this friend! Haha! It's kinda weird but he turns out differently nowadays but I will not hesitate to say that he is a good friend to me.
Secondly, It is my Ex-girlfriend. Back then, we were in the same class and were like best buddies. We chat every night when we get the chance to do so. At that moment, I began to think that there is actually girl who care about me. It's not very long until I realize that both of us have the same feeling towards each other. We began our relationship after a year we met. She has been a very caring and loving girlfriend. She has even show me a way of life. Life where I feel that I'm finally resting. We share the same interest, hobbies, and love... Everything turn out perfectly until I realized that she was suffering because of my naiveness. I began to be so upset and eventually broke up with her. It was a very hard decision and I couldn't sleep just thinking about that. There's no doubt that she changes me the most and is the person I appreciate the most. After quite some months, We began to talk to each other once more and I thought that we might be ready to start all over again but I was wrong after all. When she suggested to give her some time to think about it, I did. But when I called her to give me some time till SPM is over, She just walk away with some guy. Seriously, I was hurt badly. Just some girls I fall deeply with. Life? *sigh*
Lastly, It's Mak wen and di lun. Well, They appear into my life quite late as compare to the 1st and 2nd but they are also my good friends. Haha! We have been through so many things and I never wanted to let our bonds end! I have lost 1 who I appreciate the most, I didn't want to lost you guys anymore. Just promise me that we will keep in touch ya!
Why am I standing on this earth? Why am I blogging here in this cyber world? Why? Why? Why?
Education? Entertaiment? Food?
People always said, " I make the world different!" Well, Sad to say this but you ARE wrong! It is the world who makes you different! What is your life, how will you live has all been fixed! People always say, "Fight for something you really want!" I have fight for it but what do I get? ANSWER ME! What have I archive this far? What have I DONE SO FAR?
Life? *laugh* What a joke! Ok... I really need to chill right now... Bye blogspot!
There's about four friends that I have met that changes my life.
Firstly, James is my very first friend that show how much a friend can mean! He cares listens to me when I hide myself in some dark corners. He led me to find my love and show me that love isn't something that scary. Eventually, I turn out to get in a relationship with some girl because of this friend! Haha! It's kinda weird but he turns out differently nowadays but I will not hesitate to say that he is a good friend to me.
Secondly, It is my Ex-girlfriend. Back then, we were in the same class and were like best buddies. We chat every night when we get the chance to do so. At that moment, I began to think that there is actually girl who care about me. It's not very long until I realize that both of us have the same feeling towards each other. We began our relationship after a year we met. She has been a very caring and loving girlfriend. She has even show me a way of life. Life where I feel that I'm finally resting. We share the same interest, hobbies, and love... Everything turn out perfectly until I realized that she was suffering because of my naiveness. I began to be so upset and eventually broke up with her. It was a very hard decision and I couldn't sleep just thinking about that. There's no doubt that she changes me the most and is the person I appreciate the most. After quite some months, We began to talk to each other once more and I thought that we might be ready to start all over again but I was wrong after all. When she suggested to give her some time to think about it, I did. But when I called her to give me some time till SPM is over, She just walk away with some guy. Seriously, I was hurt badly. Just some girls I fall deeply with. Life? *sigh*
Lastly, It's Mak wen and di lun. Well, They appear into my life quite late as compare to the 1st and 2nd but they are also my good friends. Haha! We have been through so many things and I never wanted to let our bonds end! I have lost 1 who I appreciate the most, I didn't want to lost you guys anymore. Just promise me that we will keep in touch ya!
Why am I standing on this earth? Why am I blogging here in this cyber world? Why? Why? Why?
Education? Entertaiment? Food?
People always said, " I make the world different!" Well, Sad to say this but you ARE wrong! It is the world who makes you different! What is your life, how will you live has all been fixed! People always say, "Fight for something you really want!" I have fight for it but what do I get? ANSWER ME! What have I archive this far? What have I DONE SO FAR?
Life? *laugh* What a joke! Ok... I really need to chill right now... Bye blogspot!
Friday, 26 February 2010
Life on 26th febuary!
It's getting late but I'm still on for this blog! Haha! I am so sure i'm going to blog often! Well, I was actually planning to start my blog at 10pm+ but i got invited by my uncle to eat dinner with him and his family! It is very unpolite to turn him down so I accept his offer and went with KokTong(The main reason of why i'm going!) We have our dinner and went to Yam Cha after that!
Haha! I woke up kinda late today and I believe it's will still go on because I sleep late =P Before I move on what happen this morning, I'll start with what happen in 5.30am of the day. Apparently, I didn't switch off my alarm which is suppose to wake me up on weekdays! When I heard the annnoying alarm(ARHHHHH!), I woke up and start find my phone but I could't find it! After that, I was so supprise to found it at the floor! After I switched it off, I thought for quite a few SECONDS, I just left it that way and went back to sleep(HAHAHA)!
Ok! This is what happen this morning, I was right infront of my computer and doing some random stuff then KokTong stand beside me and ask whether I want to go down to have our brunch! I was looking at him then he said, " I'll paid for you, So where do you want to eat?" I was so shocked that he said so! Then he told me that he won quite a fortune in Hanyang's house yesterday(what a lucky guy!) So we went for chicken rice at shoplot just down our house! =)
Nothing really happen this afternoon, Just watch some movies like On His Majesty Service, Mission Impossible etc..... Haha~ O yea! I did read about something about coffee! I read it in starbucks official website! It's kinda fun for me SINCE I got so addicted to their coffee lately! Haha! I checked the utensil and some coffee stuff. Their price is like WOOOOAAAAHHHH!! It's all like 499+ US dollar! >< How I wish I can get 1 and start to make my own coffee without spending too much in starbucks! =(
Well, I think thats just all for today! It's really getting late now! I'll just stop my blog here for TODAY! Haha! By the way, I think I really need to thank James and Agnes here! Thank you both for talking to me! It really meant alot for me especially when people care about me! =)
Haha! I woke up kinda late today and I believe it's will still go on because I sleep late =P Before I move on what happen this morning, I'll start with what happen in 5.30am of the day. Apparently, I didn't switch off my alarm which is suppose to wake me up on weekdays! When I heard the annnoying alarm(ARHHHHH!), I woke up and start find my phone but I could't find it! After that, I was so supprise to found it at the floor! After I switched it off, I thought for quite a few SECONDS, I just left it that way and went back to sleep(HAHAHA)!
Ok! This is what happen this morning, I was right infront of my computer and doing some random stuff then KokTong stand beside me and ask whether I want to go down to have our brunch! I was looking at him then he said, " I'll paid for you, So where do you want to eat?" I was so shocked that he said so! Then he told me that he won quite a fortune in Hanyang's house yesterday(what a lucky guy!) So we went for chicken rice at shoplot just down our house! =)
Nothing really happen this afternoon, Just watch some movies like On His Majesty Service, Mission Impossible etc..... Haha~ O yea! I did read about something about coffee! I read it in starbucks official website! It's kinda fun for me SINCE I got so addicted to their coffee lately! Haha! I checked the utensil and some coffee stuff. Their price is like WOOOOAAAAHHHH!! It's all like 499+ US dollar! >< How I wish I can get 1 and start to make my own coffee without spending too much in starbucks! =(
Well, I think thats just all for today! It's really getting late now! I'll just stop my blog here for TODAY! Haha! By the way, I think I really need to thank James and Agnes here! Thank you both for talking to me! It really meant alot for me especially when people care about me! =)
Thursday, 25 February 2010
My day begins with Starbucks~
Starbucks... Starbucks... STARBUCKS!!!! I have got addicted to coffee lately! Before I have i class early in the morning, I went to starbucks to get myself a cup of coffee(Caramel Macchiato)! It is very early and I was the only customer they have! How awesome! In the meanwhile, I sent greeting sms to James, KahJun and Agnes! They sound like they were having their lunch but they called me! I was so suprised that Agnes called me as well! Haha! Didn't see that coming! By the way, I used the tumbler I found in my house and I paid Grande size coffee for the price lower than the regular size! Cool~~~
It is class as usual until lunch has come about! Wooo~ Starving! I joined some of my classmates to AsiaCafe to have lunch and i ordered fried chicken rice! I just like crispy chicken! I get my another starbucks drink so that I can keep myself awake for my tests today and I ordered Cafe Latte(Taste great~)! <3 After the lunch, I was so excited about the Chemistry and English test! Haha! I messed up my time during English test! I repeat the whole essay after I notice I have crapping nonsense and as results... My hands are hurt =( Next on! Chemistry test! Haha! I was like so surprised I kinda know what it is writing! Well, I didn't know if I can score well but definitely not going to be bad! =)
After the last chemistry test, my classmates decided to have some fun in Sunway Pyramid~ Woooo! It's funny how they arrange the where they should sit in 3 cars( My Babe<3, Vios and Saga) Haha! It's a lucky thing that I haven't leave the college JUST YET! If not Joe Ian and KC will have to walk their way to sunway =( Be thankful guys!
We went in to sunway to watch Book of Eli!! It is a nice movie where it takes place in a ages when Civilizations were destroyed after a very terrible war. There's this guy, Eli who firstly tell others he is just a nobody, carries the last Bible in the earth and headed west. He said that he heard sounds which leads him to the last bible and asked him to travel to the west where the book will be safe! He travelled for 30 winters(which is 30years) and faces his last difficulty! This movies actually thaught us somehow to worship the god! Believe in them and keep faith! Well, quite meaningful!
After the movie, Me, Joe Ian, Edward, Chee Wai, JJ, Khim, and KC(he went back early though) went to fishmarket to have our dinner! It's so damn statisfy!
Excitement goes on after dinner! Well, everyone are full and lazy to move around but endward is so desperate to ply bowling so we follow him to the centre... Well, when you are destined not to have something... You wouldn't have it! Haha! There's only free lane after 10.30pm -.-'' So we move on to archery instead! Haha! the 2nd time! =) It's fun! Haha
Everything has finally come to an end after archery! After the goodbye with JoeIan, Edward Sham, Mervin, and JJ, I drove Chee Wai, Eng Khim and YiHui back to Subang Jaya! Haha! The funny part is the moment while fetching YiHui home! I thought I was suppose to get her back to her apartment as near as possible( It's not really safe to travel around at night!) but she called me to drop her in the middle of the road where she can goes to the shop there! I don't ask what she wants since she didn't really want to tell! =) It's 9.15pm whn I leave subang Jaya and enter NPE! Haha! It takes me 20 minutes to come home! Yea! Haha!
Happy moment, happy memories and happy STARBUCKS! =)
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
The 1st time! and some random stuff!
Oh well... Bloggin has been so famous lately, so I can't really resist it and get myself a blog! =)
How rude of me for not introducing myself! I'm Kang yi, going to turn 18 in like... few days time! You guys can also call me bryan which some of my college classmate do so! I'm not actually the social guy but i'm a good listener! =) If u guys ever want to find someone to talk to, I'm available!! By the way. I love sports! I've interest myself and get myself involve into different kind of sports! For example, Volleyball, basketball, football(don't really play much though), badminton and etc. I've also joined some martial arts club like Karate-do, Judo and lately, I joined a street defensive art club called Jujitsu! I'm also capable of doing some handworks like origami! It's a really good hobby where you twist a plain square paper into something really amusing!
It's like a few days before my birthday but I don't really feel the excitement! Well, I believe it's because I don't celebrate it! Haha! It's my 18 birthday! I'm going to 18!!! The stage where i finally reach... Somehow legal age(for myself of cz). I was wondering what i can do on my birthday but i realize that there are test test and TEST around my birthday! 1st march, test, 2nd march, TEST, 3rd march, TEST AGAIN!! Where is the life! ><
The days in college are like the same throuhout the WEEK! Can you believe that? In the morning, i'll drive my cousin(Ng zhan yang) to school and then go to my college! After some hours of attending reapeated subjects EVERYDAY, I have my lunch with my classmates! After that, finish my college hours in about 3-4pm. Then I'll drive back to house and start spacing off @.@ I did not notice any different! Not only that! Assignment and test are in the air! As brandon said, Studying= no life! Seriously, If It's possible... I think i'll make an equation out of it! Proof that, study is equal/proportional to lifeless! How cool would it be!!! Haha!
I've been chatting with james(my buddy!) just now. I was like so furios to heard from him that "some1" said i gave up on her and start to ignore her back then! Just what the hell she thinks she is saying? I've never said or did something like that BEFORE! Now she made up her own story and is like having her sweet time with HER NEW SPECIAL SOMEONE! My friend really said you correctly! Hypocrites! I don't blame you misunderstanding me and get on a new life! But when you made up stories! It just make me feel insulted and hurt! I don't care who the hell will read this and tell her! Just do it! I'll be more than happy if you do!
I think that's about it for today! Better get myself cool down and ready for chemistry test and english test tomorrow!
How rude of me for not introducing myself! I'm Kang yi, going to turn 18 in like... few days time! You guys can also call me bryan which some of my college classmate do so! I'm not actually the social guy but i'm a good listener! =) If u guys ever want to find someone to talk to, I'm available!! By the way. I love sports! I've interest myself and get myself involve into different kind of sports! For example, Volleyball, basketball, football(don't really play much though), badminton and etc. I've also joined some martial arts club like Karate-do, Judo and lately, I joined a street defensive art club called Jujitsu! I'm also capable of doing some handworks like origami! It's a really good hobby where you twist a plain square paper into something really amusing!
It's like a few days before my birthday but I don't really feel the excitement! Well, I believe it's because I don't celebrate it! Haha! It's my 18 birthday! I'm going to 18!!! The stage where i finally reach... Somehow legal age(for myself of cz). I was wondering what i can do on my birthday but i realize that there are test test and TEST around my birthday! 1st march, test, 2nd march, TEST, 3rd march, TEST AGAIN!! Where is the life! ><
The days in college are like the same throuhout the WEEK! Can you believe that? In the morning, i'll drive my cousin(Ng zhan yang) to school and then go to my college! After some hours of attending reapeated subjects EVERYDAY, I have my lunch with my classmates! After that, finish my college hours in about 3-4pm. Then I'll drive back to house and start spacing off @.@ I did not notice any different! Not only that! Assignment and test are in the air! As brandon said, Studying= no life! Seriously, If It's possible... I think i'll make an equation out of it! Proof that, study is equal/proportional to lifeless! How cool would it be!!! Haha!
I've been chatting with james(my buddy!) just now. I was like so furios to heard from him that "some1" said i gave up on her and start to ignore her back then! Just what the hell she thinks she is saying? I've never said or did something like that BEFORE! Now she made up her own story and is like having her sweet time with HER NEW SPECIAL SOMEONE! My friend really said you correctly! Hypocrites! I don't blame you misunderstanding me and get on a new life! But when you made up stories! It just make me feel insulted and hurt! I don't care who the hell will read this and tell her! Just do it! I'll be more than happy if you do!
I think that's about it for today! Better get myself cool down and ready for chemistry test and english test tomorrow!
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