Saturday, 8 December 2012






Saturday, 20 October 2012








Monday, 15 October 2012

Where do you stand on racism?

Racism is a common seen/heard issue worldwide. No matter which country you are in, you will definitely meet some individuals who have a very strong disgusted feelings towards others of different kind. I come from a multicultural country and growing up meeting many different kind of people, white, yellow, brown, black. For some reason, it is a believe i have that every human being come from one origin. We might never know who is that but of all other life out there, we are the same.

I have this little incident while i was in an Australia Melbourne Airport(While sending my cousin brother off to Malaysia). We were lining up to buy some snacks before he hit the plane and while we were doing so, a group of young local males stand behind us and start talking things like, "Ching-chang-chong-ching". They ran off after a while since we didn't given them any reaction at all(Let's face it, confronting them will only make things worse). I'm an asian(Malaysian Chinese by the way), i really don't mind how others making fun of my kind. When they do so, it just make me feel a little sad. Why would someone even think of doing such thing? I mean, it doesn't give you any benefits(Well, maybe some satisfaction) if you do so. It's not like a word from your mouth could lead me to start cutting myself or anything. Everyone has emotions, we always will have someone in our life whom we don't like but it just doesn't feel right to talk bad about that person.

Have you ever meet someone who talk bad about your kind, what will you do in this kind of situation?

For me, i'll just mumble,"Get a life..".

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Embrace the chaos?

Hey! I had a wonderful sleep last night! It's monday again huh? I know exactly how annoying it is to wake up in the morning after a break(Do you have the same experience??). Monday is the day of the week when i have Machine Dynamics test(Boring stuff =p)! I'm not really sure if i should share my experience regarding this test here but i guess everyone is a friend here(You're welcome =) ).

Here it is, for some reason, it is ridiculously easy to cheat in this test(When i say ridiculous, i mean it! =p). I don't know how all of you think of it but let's face it, you will cheat if you had the chance. I actually felt that i shouldn't do it but after i have experience some bitter taste of defeat to those who cheated. It just doesn't feel quite right, it felt like hard work is nothing but something virtually exist. So here's is how i work my way through full marks throughout the tests! It isn't really a smart move but well organised(Trust me, I'm an engineer in-training!). What i did was put all the exercises into a single pdf file and put it in my phone(smart huh?)! Most people will ask why? It is because the lecturer and tutors in this unit are really really lazy. All they did was take out some random questions from the book and give it as a test(I know.. that is really stupid.). If it was you, what will you do?

I'm not saying that everyone should follows my footsteps and cheat through their studies but once in a while, it's good to embrace the chaos. Don't you think so? It's not exactly a fair society out there so why is it wrong to get yourself some good grades?

It's me again and thank you for reading~


To a girl I once loved..

I'm really sorry it took so long. Although i put on my post that the tales will never end but i guess i was foolish to put that in the first place(Haha! xD). I've been busy since i move to Melbourne 2 years back for education purpose. It was a really nice place with nice people (Can't be exactly happy with racism here but most of them are friendly).

Alright, back to the main point of the topic today. For starters, i'm not exactly sure if it was "once" but i'm just going to put there for the sake of grammar. I don't really notice until recently when i was dreamt of her in my dream. I've once heard that your dreams portrait your true desire, something you really want in your life. This post isn't really a way to try to get her back, i would prefer to think of it as a confession for something that i had did. I don't know if i really want to go back again with her, we tried it and it wasn't pleasing. I acted like a child before and after the relationship. I wasn't really proud of words i said and things i done. Probably the reason why my mind wants to torture me with past memories (Karma huh?). I tried to sabotage her relationship with another male just so i can restore our relationship. Apparently it didn't work which is quite comforting but till this day, i regret what i said. I was a jerk, i broke up with her just to satisfy myself and my selfish reason. I insulted her indirectly. Maybe she had forgive me or maybe forget about me but i'll never forgive myself.

In this two years, my mind, unconsciously wanted to erase every moment that i had spent with her. I started to forgot what i had said to her, what i happen between me and her, what her voice was like. I guess it is pretty normal since i don't really want to remember her in the first place. Many people ask why can't you just be friend with her? Well, because i don't want to. Maybe it is just me but i find it inappropriate to befriend someone you once loved. I'm just glad that she has found herself a keeper

I had trouble having REM sleep or in layman's term, deep sleep, since i had that dream. i just feel like if i wrote it out i might feel better about it. For whether is she reading this or not, i just wanted to say i'm sorry. For the reason above and for stalking you once in a while in facebook(I'm really sorry!! ><). I wish you had a lovely and happy relationship with your current suitor.

Live long and prosper!
